Quick Smart & Great Solution

We stand for business transparency, fair play and equal rights for every stakeholder.
We follow legislation and help our clients take care of taxes and complex financial statements.

Startups / SMEs

The secret sauce of high-growth startups. integrated, cloud-based system to manage accounting, financials, manufacturing, inventory, sales, HR

Startups / SMEs

The secret sauce of high-growth startups. integrated, cloud-based system to manage accounting, financials, manufacturing, inventory, sales, HR


Scale and secure your healthcare practice HIPAA-compliant digital healthcare and Telehealth solutions Insurance management, Laboratory, Pharmacy...


Scale and secure your healthcare practice HIPAA-compliant digital healthcare and Telehealth solutions Insurance management, Laboratory, Pharmacy...


Job Costing / Contracting / Project Planning and Controlling / Construction Management / Progress Billing / Estimates - Bundle and many more..


Job Costing / Contracting / Project Planning and Controlling / Construction Management / Progress Billing / Estimates - Bundle and many more..


Everything you need with a top-notch user experience. Our family of apps work seamlessly together – giving you the ability to automate and track everything you do – centralized, online, and accessible from anywhere with any device.

Trusted by trusted businesses

Speak with an Expert

Plans and pricing

How many employees does your company have?


1-10 Users
Maximum 5 Modules
10GB Diskspace
Weekly Backups
10 Add-On Domains


10-30 Users
Maximum 10 Modules
30GB Diskspace
Daily Backups
5 Hours of Customization
1 Hour Functional Training
Get your quote
30% off COVID-19


Contact us
All Features from Premium
Unlimited Number of Modules
API Integrations
10 Hours of Customization
3 Hour Functional Training


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